This list includes famous as well as infamous people:
Martin Luther: His father wanted him to be a lawyer or a merchant. Instead he pursued a religious career to the anger of his family. He lived an austure life until he posted his now famous Theses on the door of Wuttenburg Cathedral, sparking the protestent revolution.
Wolfgang Armedeus Mozart: Though a child prodegy whose music is still loved today, Mozart was shunned by aristocracy and he lived much of his adult life in poverty. He died in his 30s and was buried in a paupers grave. Only after his death was he given his due respect.
Guilipse Verdi: Concidered by many to be the greatest Operetic Composer, He was rejected for study in Millian's famous La Traviata Music School because of his age (he was too old). His early carreer saw him struggling for recognition.
Ulyses S Grant: The Civil War Commander and US President retired from a mediocore millitary career following the Mexican War. He became a serious drinker and failed at a number of business enterprises. Before the Civil War he earned a living selling firewood in New York.
Abraham Lincoln. Thought elected as a Whig Congressman, this self educated lawyer and onetime Militia officer had few other successes in life. He ran for the US Senate agains Stephen Douglas but was bitterly defeated.
Thomas Edison: As a child he was gifted but was too disruptive for his school. As a result he was forced to leave school and his formal education ended at an early age. Those who knew him concidered his crackpot ideas to be "crazy". His invention of the light bulb proved everyone wrong.
Jan Paderewski: Still acknowledged as the greatest Pianist of all times. Was rejected for education as a concert pianist. At the age of 18 was forced to relearn piano technique as if he were a child. By his mid 20s he was finally brought to the stage. One footnote, in 1920 he was elected as Modern Poland's first president in his 80's.
Ludwig Mies Van De Roh: The German Architect who brought the Bauhaus School to America came from extremely humble circumstances. He worked as a bricklayer and stonemason. He later became an archictectural draftsman and eventually joined the Bauhaus. His work was largely rejected in Germany where it was concidered too revolutionary. Was forced to leave by the Nazi's in the 1930s.
Vladimir Illianovich Lenin: Spent many years in prison. Was forced to leave Russia and lived penniless in Switzerland. Only through the genorocity of the Imperial German Govenment was he able to return to Russia to start the Bolshivik Revolution.
Adolph Hitler: Comming from humble backgrounds, this Austrian Peasant worked as a construction worker but was fired by bosses after other workers refused to work with him. He was homeless and impoverished. He barely survived as a poster artist. His attempts to enter art school failed. When World War 1 came, he was rejected as unfit by the Austrian Army. He did manage to join the German Army but never rose above Corporal.
Richard M. Nixon: His political career nearly came to an end after he was defeated for reelection as Governer of California. He later ran for President against John F Kennedy but lost. It was thought that Nixon seemed too stuffy next to the energetic and charismatic Kennedy. This too nearly stopped his career.
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